Tuesday, July 7, 2009

When the "Dolphin" crying

I call it “when the dolphin crying”. That day, april 12th 2007,It was a bright weather when “dolphin” went for an assignment to shift a anchor. She doesn’t know that it is her last job.

Bourbon Dolphin is an Anchor handling vessel type which has contract for serve offshore works in Shetland sea. Vessel which delivered on mid of October 2006 by Ulstein Shipyard Group Norway has a good performance in carrying anchor up to 180 tons.

The ocean depth in the area concerned is 1,100 metres. The rig is moored with eight anchors. The distance between the rig and the mooring positions was around 3,000 metres. The mooring lines were about 3,500 metres, of which about 900 metres was of 84 mm chain and about 920 metres of 76 mm chain, plus 1,725 metres of 96 mm wire. Deployment of anchors was done by means of the vessel running out the rig’s chain, connecting it to chain that the vessel had on board, whereupon the rig ran out wire. The anchor that was fastened to the vessel’s chain was thereafter lowered down to the seabed with the aid of the vessel’s winch and wire. During the last part of the deployment, another vessel participated by grabbing hold of (grappling) the chain so as to distribute the weight of the mooring and relieve the strain on the rig. Around 09:00 on Friday 12 April 2007 the “Bourbon Dolphin” began to run out chain for the last anchor (no. 2). Around 14:45 all the chain was out. The “Bourbon Dolphin” then drifted considerably off the mooring line and asked the rig for assistance. The “Highland Valour” was sent to assist the “Bourbon Dolphin”, but did not succeed in securing the chain. The “Bourbon Dolphin” drifted eastwards towards the mooring of anchor no. 3. The rig instructed the vessels to proceed westwards, away from anchor no. 3. During an attempt to manoeuvre the vessel towards the west, at the same time as the chain’s point of attack over the stern roller shifted from the inner starboard towing-pin to the outer port towing-pin, the vessel developed a serious list to port. The engines on the starboard side stopped. The vessel at first righted herself, but soon listed again and at 17:08 rolled over on her port side. The capsizing happened suddenly and without much warning. Of those on the bridge, only one of the first officers managed to get out. The crew members who had been in the deck area managed to get hold of life-jackets, climb onto the vessel’s side and jump into the sea before she rolled right over. Two persons who had been in the mess got themselves out onto deck and into the sea. Full alarm was immediately sounded on the rig and the vessels in the area were at once set to searching for survivors. Helicopters from the British coastguard were alerted and arrived on the spot after about an hour. Other vessels in the vicinity also proceeded to the casualty.

The “Bourbon Dolphin” had a crew of 14 persons. Also on board was the master’s 14-year-old son. Seven persons were saved. The bodies of three persons were found in the sea, the remaining five persons are still missing.

Next you will see another offshore works picture….


By: idx


  1. Wah! Kasian sekali.

    Cuman kok bisa semua crew menjadi korban? Apakah tenggelamnya sangat cepat sehingga mereka tidak dapat kesempatan menyelamatkan diri?

  2. sebenarnya hari itu crewnya 14 orang + 1 anak kapten...7 slamat 3 di temukan meninggal, 5 hilang....
